Saturday, August 11, 2007

where ive been....

ive been in paris, brussells, interlaken- swizterland, munich and prague... now Im off to maybe amsterdam, but eventually to london...


Friday, August 3, 2007

so, i guess not checking your email does matter.... you are out of the loop.

as i have been traveling the world; one of my good friends from san diego was in a simple motorcycle accident and died from massive head trama (and all i can think about is when joe barajas died in high school... the pain these guys must have been in.......)
anyways the service is in a fez days... please just say a few prayers for his friends and family.
im hanging in there the best i can... crying my eyes out at an internet cafe in Paris.
ill be home soon.
keep us all in your prayers.

ps... since rome, ive been in torino and the fiat factory, milan, florence, madrid, almeria, malaga, paris, soon to brussells, switzerland, munich, prague.....

im goood, safe and having fun.
