Thursday, May 31, 2007

so i am moving host families and will be living with another USAC student, una madre y sus hijos.

well see how it goes!

I´ll post more soon!

love you miss you

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

real quick update

Hoy mi primero dia de la clase de espanol de intermediate spanish 1.

Mi clase tiene solo tres estudiantes.

Mi maestro tienes solo 31 anos.

ok- so enough spanish--- well i was out all day- just got home... and out all day i mean 7:45 am i left mi casa.... and just got home about 1 am... mi amiga Laney (de So. Carolina) walked around town (Getxo) and took the metro to Bilbao.
Then we took a long walk around to get some food- we left at about 9 pm and didnt eat until 1230... oh well.. it was worth it-- the port is BEAUTIFUL!!!

then i got home and my host mom's dad had passed away today.. so she and her daughter left-- good thing i made friends with the other USAC people upstairs-- i am now living with them! So things are actually going well.. but i think any possible way something can go wrong can... so this trip has definately taught me to be FLEXIBLE!!

ok well my new roommate wants to go to bed-- Hasta Luego!!

Monday, May 28, 2007

full day #1 in Getxo

Hello again!

Well i have just about completed my first full day in Getxo (getch-ho). My host family is mi madre Conchi, and daughter Ane who is 13... I think i have an ear infection..... yuck! oh well... meet my neighbors upstairs who are USAC students too!

Gotta go... love you miss you

I'll post later about the places i went on the end of the madrid tour (Toledo and Segovia). adios

Friday, May 25, 2007

day #2 in madrid

after a long fun night in an irish bar where everyone spoke english, and i met some (dumb) red wings fans from detroit and drank some cornoitas (big coronas just diff name) we finally headed home around 3 am... even though the bars were still open. I decided to hang out with some new friends... and probably didnt go to sleep till at least 6...

woke up at 8 for breakfast then on to the bus to head to a crazy yet beautiful Valley of the Fallen... where there is this huge basillica craved out of the mountain.... it is a memorial to the people who were killed during the civil war in the 1930s. crazy history....

then we went to another place where the royal family is burried, the king used to stay and a few other histroical pieces.

then, back on the bus to sleep from about 2 pm to 8:27 then dinner at 8:30.... long morning followed by a long ciesta!

well i am off to people watch.. this has been an amazing trip so far... and yes i do miss you all!

take care!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I made it! & day # 1

hello! I made it after 3 different flights, losing an earing, getting my seat taken away and almost losing my bagage! but i decided things come in 3s. so i´m ok now.

I am rooming with a girl named Jessie, from UNR, at the Hotel Regina in the center of Madrid. Last night lots of people went out to the discos, but we just went to bed and talked.

Then today we had breakfast (sourdough rolls and butter!) and then went on a tour of the royal palace with over 2000 rooms! But thankfully we only had to see about 20. They were sooo beauitful, but you couldnt take pictures! sorry!

Then we went to the Prado, where we got to see alll differnt art. It was amazing to see the things I had read about in my text at SDSU. I guess I can appreciate it more!

It has been raining ALLLLLLL day.... so i am off to find an umbrella, maybe a jacket and a cell phone!

Check back later! Adios!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Tomorrow I leave!!!

Well, it's the night before my departure!
And I'm still not packed! haha!

Thanks to those who came to my party and helped me celebrate- and those who couldnt make it but sent your love- thank you.

Check back soon for exciting stories!
