Thursday, May 24, 2007

I made it! & day # 1

hello! I made it after 3 different flights, losing an earing, getting my seat taken away and almost losing my bagage! but i decided things come in 3s. so i´m ok now.

I am rooming with a girl named Jessie, from UNR, at the Hotel Regina in the center of Madrid. Last night lots of people went out to the discos, but we just went to bed and talked.

Then today we had breakfast (sourdough rolls and butter!) and then went on a tour of the royal palace with over 2000 rooms! But thankfully we only had to see about 20. They were sooo beauitful, but you couldnt take pictures! sorry!

Then we went to the Prado, where we got to see alll differnt art. It was amazing to see the things I had read about in my text at SDSU. I guess I can appreciate it more!

It has been raining ALLLLLLL day.... so i am off to find an umbrella, maybe a jacket and a cell phone!

Check back later! Adios!

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