Friday, June 22, 2007

Leaving Spain

Wow... as i make my way to the metro station in Barcelona.. i had very mixed feelings about leaving. i was sad to leave all the friends i had made in the last 3-4 weeks. Yea, doesnt sound like a long time, but when you are pretty much forced to make friends.. sometimes they turn out to be very good friends... Like James and Katie who i went to Lisbao with... or Colt who i helped study for his final. Or laney, ashely and kim who, when stuck in a hotel room together, you bond very quickly. Preston of course will always be in my heart...He is my 'spanish-american' brother. My family in spain was wonderful and couldnt of asked for more!

Thank you to everyone in the USAC bilbao program... staff, students and my teacher Estela... i couldnt have made the memories myself. I love you guys!

Ok, so getting to the airport in barcelona wasnt easy.. the lady told me the wrong train, some spanish dude busts out his guitar and starts to sing....i finally get to the airport about 7:20 when my flight was at 7:30.. and turns out.. I'M AT THE WRONG AIRPORT!!!!! and little minutes left on my phone, so i booked another flight, called my mom, and got on the new flight at about 10 pm... the plane only had about 40 or so seats, and only 25 people on it... maybe it was worth getting to the wrong airport! oh well... i made it to italy!!!

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