Thursday, June 7, 2007

my weekend (1 junio - 3 junio)

Sorry i havent kept up... Spain has kept me busy.
Let´s see... first of all, i believe i have posted about my host mom´s dad dying.. so i had to move. my new home is wonderful. I live with my madre, her son Jon (but pronouned Yawn) who is 14 and her 17 year old daughter, Ane, is there every once in a while. I also live with a USAC student from Idaho.. his name is preston. He is mean to be but it is just because he is my brother! haha! we get along good and are learning alot of spanish because our mom doesnt speak a word of english.

well.. last weekend we were out until about 4:30 am in Bilbao... My friend james and i decided to go home-- others were out until about 7 am... the next morning we had an excursion along the coast.

we went to gernika.. where there is a really really old oak tree.. i guess it survived a war here and they treasure it. there is now the grandson of the old tree where it used to be.. the dad of that tree died and is going to be put out side in a ´shrine´thingie like the grandfather... weird... they really like their trees or something!
then we went to this place where there is a church on a hill in the ocean with a little pass with 231 steps to the church. it was very pretty... pictures to come!
then we went to a church and an outdorr market.. the cheese there was AMAZING!!! i felt like i was at costco with the free samples though. in the nearby church there were 3 weddings going on.. and of corse i felt i had to go in and take pictures! haha! i guess there is a 2 or 3 year waiting list to get married in this church.. and you haveto get married the same day with the same decor as the other brides... none of my future bride´s will be getting married there.
we ate lunch at a nice restuarnte.. had sopa de potatos and atun (tuna) and then salad with atun and then a breaded fish.. all very good and finished with a wonderful desert of a thin layer of creme burle on top of a whipcream like substance all on a pie crust.. it was like heaven in your mouth!
then we went to another church where there are 3 huge rocks inside.. they believe the rocks grew up from the ground.. then they built the church.. there is no way anyone could have moved these rocks.. nor are they meadiorites or from the mountain becuase the are not the same compsite.
after our return to getxo.. a few of us went to play ultimate frisbee.. i got a good workout and my buttkicked!

Then on sunday i slept until 1:30 pm and then went to the beach. and then just hung out!

it has been a wonderful trip so far!

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