Friday, May 25, 2007

day #2 in madrid

after a long fun night in an irish bar where everyone spoke english, and i met some (dumb) red wings fans from detroit and drank some cornoitas (big coronas just diff name) we finally headed home around 3 am... even though the bars were still open. I decided to hang out with some new friends... and probably didnt go to sleep till at least 6...

woke up at 8 for breakfast then on to the bus to head to a crazy yet beautiful Valley of the Fallen... where there is this huge basillica craved out of the mountain.... it is a memorial to the people who were killed during the civil war in the 1930s. crazy history....

then we went to another place where the royal family is burried, the king used to stay and a few other histroical pieces.

then, back on the bus to sleep from about 2 pm to 8:27 then dinner at 8:30.... long morning followed by a long ciesta!

well i am off to people watch.. this has been an amazing trip so far... and yes i do miss you all!

take care!


Karen said...

It is so much fun to follow your travels through museums, chuches, mountains and yes, even bars. Cheers! I hope you are taking & documenting pictures for us. I am so glad you decided to go on this wonderful adventure.
Love & miss you,

Anonymous said...

Well Carter rolled over again (after all of your hard training) and Ab is still insisting she doesn't miss you (what a joke!) I am missing you like crazy---oh yeah, Jack had surgery and is recovering well. loving you--meg

Dad said...

Great Job - EMORY.....

The pool is warming, the deck will start tomorrow (Monday) and the new smoker works GREAT....


Love Dad

Aunt Nor said...

Love reading about all your exciting travels, etc. What a terrific education you are getting (in all of those old bars!!!!). Be careful, and don't talk to too many strangers. Keep us informed, we love and miss you.
Love & Hugs
Aunt Nor