Tuesday, May 29, 2007

real quick update

Hoy mi primero dia de la clase de espanol de intermediate spanish 1.

Mi clase tiene solo tres estudiantes.

Mi maestro tienes solo 31 anos.

ok- so enough spanish--- well i was out all day- just got home... and out all day i mean 7:45 am i left mi casa.... and just got home about 1 am... mi amiga Laney (de So. Carolina) walked around town (Getxo) and took the metro to Bilbao.
Then we took a long walk around to get some food- we left at about 9 pm and didnt eat until 1230... oh well.. it was worth it-- the port is BEAUTIFUL!!!

then i got home and my host mom's dad had passed away today.. so she and her daughter left-- good thing i made friends with the other USAC people upstairs-- i am now living with them! So things are actually going well.. but i think any possible way something can go wrong can... so this trip has definately taught me to be FLEXIBLE!!

ok well my new roommate wants to go to bed-- Hasta Luego!!


Karen said...

sock lines aren't bothering you?

Susan A said...

Emory: Sounds like a terrific trip! John and I are sorry we missed your party but glad we can share in your adventures. Stay safe and keep on enjoying.

coolio said...

i like what your mom wrote.